WATCH ADS AND EARN $4.23 Every 30 Seconds (Make Money Online 2021)

Hi Dear Readers,

Step number one log in to the website 
that will pay you to watch advertisements
step number two watch the most popular 
ads in step number three collect your cash
straight into your bank account hey 
welcome back this is ryan hildreth now
before i show you exactly how to earn 
four dollars and 23 cents
every 30 seconds go ahead and hit the 
subscribe button down below this video and make sure to
click that little notification bell next 
to it so i can alert you on the latest ways of
making money online but check this out 
right over here as you can see
this payment was sent to me for 
literally less than 20 minutes
of watching ads okay results are not 
guaranteed you may earn more than this the same
or a little bit less but i can tell you 
one thing if you don't follow the exact
steps throughout this entire video 
then results like this will definitely
not be possible for you so make sure to 
stick all the way through and do not
skip over any of 
the steps now the three steps to earning four dollars and 23 cents
every 30 seconds for watching ads are 
step number one i'm going to be
revealing the top platform 
that is paying people to watch
advertisements step number two would be 
unveiling the two other ways of earning on this site so
you can create 
additional streams of income and step number three i'm going to be showing you
how to get 
other people to watch ads for you on this site
so you can earn on autopilot okay so 
let's go ahead and get straight into this we're gonna
go ahead and go over to the site 
that's paying people to watch ads and
this site is called 
paid verts okay connect click and earn discover how easy it is to
advertise and earn 
at the same time okay so it's very easy literally 3 million 3.6 million
registered users on this site that are 
earning money and they even have a mobile app that you
can download in the apple play store 
or the google play store okay apple app
store or google play store 
and they paid over 9.2 million dollars
to their members like me and you okay so 
very easy to get started with this site
and very reputable so once you log in 
okay you're gonna register for a free
it's gonna take you to this dashboard right here okay there's lots of
places to click now i'm going to show you exactly the top three places to
to earn the most money okay so the very first thing you're gonna do okay is
click on 
games okay this is the first method not the highest paying method but definitely
there's a game on here that pays pretty 
high and then i'm going to show you the
next two methods which is watching ads 
okay though so we're going to click on games that's
going to take us right over here now 
when you scroll down okay they're giving
away what is called 
baps and these baps can be um you know transferred
in exchanged for dollars all right so 
uh you know this game right here pays
out one bap definitely don't want to 
play that what you're going to do is
you're going to scroll down 
okay and if you see this one right here
minesweeper this pays out 
400 baps okay 400 baps right here
so that is the game you're going to want 
to play to earn the most amount of money in the least
amount of time okay so 
uh you're gonna get 400 bats then you
could exchange it straight for dollars 
now um let's go ahead and go over to the
next way 
of earning which is uh ptc walls okay so this is paid to click walls literally
they're gonna pay you 
to click on these mini advertisements okay sometimes it leads to a website
you just have to click and you earn now 
the payouts are very small as you can
very small but they're easy to do you literally just click on this
boom opens up a page click on this boom 
opens up a page and you could do that for all of these
okay and then 
refresh the page so that you could just do it all over again so this is
something you could do in your spare 
time while you're eating or while you're
taking a break from work 
to earn a little bit of extra income okay so uh that is
where you're gonna go now the next place 
okay is paid ads you're going to click on
paid ads up here in the right-hand 
corner and that's going to take you to the
actual advertisements 
um that are going to pay you eight back
which you could exchange into dollars 
all right and you could just view activation ad
okay view activation ad you're going to 
click on all of these and then you get to claim
your back reward as you see 
right here your current vap reward is
plus 32 
bap okay so i could claim it right here and boom goes straight to my account
and then i get paid out in many 
different ways as you can see here on
the bottom right payeer 
payza perfect money right paypal that kind of stuff web money
so different ways of getting paid to 
your bank account um but
there's a way here to get other people 
to actually log in and start watching
ads for you so 
you could earn on autopilot while you're
you know sleeping or 
doing whatever you love to do there's
going to be other people 
on the internet that are doing these
things for you and you're going to earn 
a percentage of their earnings okay so
where you're going to go is you're going 
to go up to the right hand corner right
here where it says my name 
and then you're going to go to refer friends okay refer
friends and that's going to take you 
right here now as you see this is my special referral
when anyone clicks on this link and registers for a free account and starts
watching ads and earning money 
i'm gonna earn five percent of whatever
they earn okay so 
let's do the math here now if i pull out
a calculator okay we can say 
let's just say we get you know 10 people
to click our link and you know every 
single one of those people collectively
a month earns let's say two thousand dollars collectively between the ten
people okay 
two thousand then we're going to times that by point zero five because that's
what we're going to earn 
so we earn a hundred bucks in completely
passive income we didn't have to work 
for it other people were working and watching
the ads and we're earning on autopilot 
okay this is called affiliate marketing
this is exactly what we're gonna do and i'm gonna show you
where you can share your link okay this 
link right here this is gonna be
uh your link's gonna pop up here i'm 
gonna show you where to share it and get
thousands of people 
to register and start watching ads for you so you can earn on autopilot okay
what you're gonna do is you're gonna take this link okay we're gonna go to
first place and this is on facebook right here where i searched
make money online then i went to groups 
and toggled the public groups toggle on so
that i could join any one of these 
groups right now i could literally just click
and join okay so 
uh like this group right here has 66 000 members this one has a 101 000
members now i like this one because make 
money online post affiliate link they allow you to post 
your affiliate links like this guy right here 
is posting his link um to this site now that's exactly what
we're gonna do we're gonna do the same 
thing as this person and get thousands of people clicking 
on our link 
in this group we have access to 66 000 people okay so that's the number one way
now another way 
okay let's just say you make a few hundred bucks or a few thousand bucks
uh you're going to come over here to this site right here called udemy now
i'm going to link a full tutorial 
up in the right hand corner of this
video that's going to show you exactly 
how to use it but i'm going to explain
real quick 
how i use this site okay so this is a site where we can get access to people who have 
millions of people on their email list 
that are interested in business opportunities making money 
online and they'll blast out an email with our 
link okay to however many people we want now 
what i am gonna do is you know just 
let's just choose someone one of these
people right here okay 
that's gonna take us over here now what
i do is i'll say hey 
you know um send me you know 100 visitors all right 100 visitors
and again if each one of these visitors 
you know collectively a hundred visitors okay
you know two thousand let's say even four thousand dollars then i'm gonna
200 bucks in passive income right but i only have to spend 53 dollars
to earn that money all right so 53 turns 
into 200 or you know we could even do more we
could turn 78 dollars into maybe 500 
okay so um what i'm gonna do is i'll ask this
guy hey 
dorsen can you send a hundred visitors to my link i'm gonna paste my link right
here my affiliate link 
and then he's going to type up an email and ensure
that i get 100 people to click my link 
he's going to blast out an email to his
millions of people 
and we're for sure going to get 100 people to click our link and potentially
okay so that's exactly how i roll the money and start making more on
udemy now this reminds me of when i 
first started out um you know handing out milkshakes and
burgers for minimum wage and 
you know doing these little side hustles
like the ones i just showed you 
to make a little bit of money online i
knew that these ways 
were not gonna make me rich okay you
could definitely make a couple hundred 
bucks maybe even a few hundred bucks
doing what i just showed you but it's 
not gonna make you rich okay
so i knew that i had to learn how to 
build a passive income
online and that's when i built this 
business right here this is just one of
many of my businesses 
that's generating about 15 000 a month
in purely passive income and it's been able to pay for some of my vacations
like this one right here i took my wife 
to maui we travel all over the world and in fact
when we came back i 
even purchased my dream car okay this
mclaren 570s 
now i didn't think these results would
ever be possible 
but when i learned how to build this
passive income everything 
became possible okay so if you want to
learn exactly how i did it 
go ahead and click the first link down
below this video that's going to take 
you through a business builder challenge
with my mentor okay who showed me  
exactly how to build a passive income
online now you could either click that 
link and i'll see you in there
or you could watch one of the videos 
that i'm about to link right here on
additional ways 
to make money online go ahead and click one of those and i'll see you in the
next one.
Take Care   Best of Luck
