Hello Biggners.........Make Money Online Without Investment in 2021

A doctor cares about your health;

A financial expert cares about your wealth.

So why leave your finances to chance?

In this blog i am reviewing how to earn money without investment and how to complete beginners earning a hundred to seven hundred dollars a day online with no experience more with that after the introduction............,

Hi, guys how's it going mike castillo here welcome to this blog before I actually remind you that several spots have opened up for this week's free workshop where it's the fastest and easiest way to make money online sign up for the link below :

I literally have a 62 year old woman from zero to 160 profit in 90 days so sign up now so it's go about the second or third year of my college education period did my entire life change for the worst i'm talking about how it like basically ruined my life right and here i was you know because when i was younger my parents are super filipino they're like mike you have to become a doctor dentist lawyer nurse

 or we're going to disown you right so i was literally like thinking okay maybe i need to become a dentist and just like that me and my family had to take out so much loans we were just like eyeballs in debt and not knowing exactly how he could finally pay off all this debt that we had right i remember it was like so bad that i remember when i was walking out of biology class one day i remember my dad 

you know calling me and he was like mike i have to pay for your student tuition but i have no money right now can i borrow the money that you made this summer working as a summer camp counselor which i was doing at the time as like a side hustle and that was like a very interesting situation because you know here is my dad you know in his 50s asking for like a broke teenager money to pay for the education and my brain didn't really comprehend how the hell that was actually going to work and how was i finally gonna get out of this debt that i was actually in right so it was that moment i was like i need to figure out a way to make money online fast so that i don't have to be in the same situation when i'm older and i have to like struggle about money

 because that was literally what almost ruined like my family dynamics you know the number one cause of divorce isn't actually cheating on your spouse it's money problems right and for anyone that has ever experienced that you know exactly how much it like ruins people's relationships with their loved ones right it was at the moment without having any money that i had to figure out a way to make money online with zero investment and this way alone was one of the things that 

initially changed my life to at least give me a hundred dollars a day profit and what essentially leveraged me to the point where you could see you know in the past 30 days we're averaging about like a thousand to two thousand dollars a day right i know it sounds crazy when i see these numbers in the past 30 days like this one was like three thousand four hundred dollars and then the lowest is like maybe five hundred dollars like yesterday like it sounds like crazy right but but it started off in very humble beginnings,

The first thing that i ended up doing though was figuring out a way to just get to 100 a day because the thousand dollars a day that's great for most people but i just knew 100 a day would allow me to at least get some wiggle room in my financial life right it would allow me to pay the bills pay off rent pay off you know my car payments allow me to maybe travel around the world allow me to maybe give some money to my mom and dad so they didn't have to be stressed all the time 

Because they gave up so much for me so i literally came in here and i was like okay well maybe i could start selling things on ebay so i remember back in the day i was like just typing in you know something like bunk bed and i just wanted to see like what bunk beds were going for right i had this like really weird bunk bed that for some reason i was like still using as like a college kid 

And i was like what if i could go ahead and sell one of my old bunk beds the craziest thing when i saw this is i saw that there was like literally bunk beds going for 400 200 300 350 1200 and i was like oh my god you know bunk beds are selling this one's going for 381 dollars and i started thinking i was like well what if i sell a bunk bed that i don't, 

Actually have to own myself that i don't have to invest any in my own what if i flip a product that i don't even have to buy myself with my own money because i had no money to actually go ahead and get started that's when i was like really curious i was like oh i wonder if there's like a product on walmart that i could go out and sell

So, i literally typed in the exact same thing bunk bed and i just wanted to see what prices were actually going for right and remember this was in the beginning of my making money online space i didn't know what was actually going to work and get me to the hundred dollars a day and when i scrolled down i noticed something really interesting there were bunk beds that looked very simple that were going for like a 163 dollars look at this a 168 dollars 158 dollars 129 dollars free delivery from walmart.

And i got thinking i was like whoa this kind of looks like this 381 dollar one right and there's people that are actually wanting to buy this and i thought to myself i was like what if i literally come in here and i take this picture i remember saving this picture as just like taking this image right here

pulling it up right clicking it clicking saving image as and what if i just actually post it you know on ebay what if i got a sale i didn't actually own this but if i did i could take the customer's money which was 381. 

And then buy it at a lower cost fram walmart and ship it to them directly for nearly half the price now think about how crazy that is i'm not using my own money it takes nothing for me to post a listing up on ebay which what i realized and the only time i have to buy this is after i've already made the sale on ebay my mind started growing because 

I was like oh my god if i just get like one or two or three sales a day i can make a hundred dollars a day profit and that's essentially what i did i started going to places like walmart like overstock like wayfair.com like 

Even amazon.com i literally just started listing for free on ebay all of these products that i did not have to create myself i remember even posting like this thing called an ab wheel roller right and i would sell them for like something like thirty dollars or you know thirty dollars right here or you know look at this twenty two dollars this one's 26 dollars this is 24 dollars it's 17 dollars

And i would really go to amazon.com and type in the exact same thing wheel roller and i just wanted to see if i could make a sale on ebay because if i did i could find them for even cheaper like 11 right and just take the pictures that are already working on amazon just put it on to you know ebay i did the exact same thing with like rv replacement kits 

If i type in rv vent you see that some of these rv vents go for like 23 to 34 as you can see right here like these things right here 23 i remember coming up to here and typing an rv vent which was like a really interesting niche that i was in because i was seeing it sell 

And you know some of these were like 21 at the time and you could see people are selling the exact same thing for 27 to 26 check that out you know something that cost as little as 10 or 21 some of these were going for like 26 to 30 to 50 dollars right so i was like

 Oh my GOD, i could literally just like flip it like that so that was like the first one that was like oh my god without having to spend any of my own money i can make money with this and that's exactly how i was able to make a hundred dollars a day and not just that but get a bunch of free travel rewards points because i would put this on my travel awards credit card and then pay the credit card off the money that i made from ebaythe second thing that i started doing was document things about it even if i was failing,

Guys look at this people are typing in this is a concept known as drop shipping and people are just trying it even if they don't succeed people are still searching for it look at this 400,000 views right this one 400 000 views this is when 23 000 views only 4 000 subscribers the more and more people are very interested in not really how much money you made but like the fact that you tried

And when people make youtube videos about it you could see exactly how much money you make like for example on my youtube channel making similar content we're making anywhere from like 700 dollars to like two 1000 to 1200 dollars a day and this is all profit right and the crazy thing about this is,

 i don't have to invest anything it's free to start a youtube account and you just literally publish it and then the ads that play on this video that's how you got paid like you could see this when i started doing this like really seriously in about like august 


so you can see that it was as low as like nine dollars in a single day in july and even got like lower to i guess like seven dollars a day in like august right but as i started being more serious about it i was like oh my god if i just create more content i get more chances to actually rank on youtube i can actually even make more money on this without actually having to invest anything it's just my time like i just literally press record and i make videos and eventually some of them started hitting to the point where in the past like 90 days alone if we go ahead and check this out 

Look how insane this is even the 274 dollars a day that was already life changing i was like 

Oh my GOD,

 i can literally continue to afford my living here in bali and never have to you know worry about getting a job ever again i could start saving extra money while keeping my expenses low to you know save for financial freedom or early retirement or to travel around the world and none of this would have been possible if i literally just didn't start creating content guys you don't have to be an expert to go ahead and get started people that are just trying i tried drop shipping  like for example even if i just type in 

i tried ebay drop shipping which is what i just showed you you know you see literally i made the exact same video and this video literally makes me money right because i'm just sharing exactly what i've also done in the past if i was able to do that why can't you man another thing you could go ahead and do is start selling digital products to that industry right because it doesn't take any money it's completely free for example with clickbank there's all these products that already exist that they will do the selling for you they'll do the customer service for you. 

They'll do everything for you all you got to do is understand a little bit of marketing right and if you start really getting good at starting right for keywords you could see exactly what it could do i mean you could see with this method in the past 30 days where like i said averaging about like a thousand to the highest is like 300 dollars a day right on average it's about like a thousand dollars a day low end it's like nothing and some days are 400 bucks right and the reason because of this is if you for example start ranking for you know drop shipping videos....

 It makes sense to start selling them drop shipping products but the beauty about this is if you come in here and type in e-commerce which is what this is selling products online there's people that are really good at this that will be the experts for you this is why you don't have to be the expert you can literally have somebody else do the selling for you and the crazy thing about this is it's free to start a clickbank account you don't spend any money from this and the craziest thing is look at this

 One person if i go ahead and click on promote and then click on generate hop link you get this special link if anyone goes to this link and buys from their selling you get paid 351 dollars per sale now here's the thing do you see this this is exactly the page that they create for you,

If someone reserves a seat for you and then he's the guy that literally does the selling for you on e-commerce if you get a sale from his selling and his email marketing and all that stuff you get 351 dollars profit directly to you so think about that if you rank for one of these because you just tried it right and you send them to somebody's offer someone else's webinar 

If he makes a sale for you and someone else registers for his workshop you get 351 a sale you don't like none of these methods you have to invest any money of it this is literally what i started doing to start getting myself out of the rut that i was in the depression that i was in because i realized man how could i make money without having any money or not have any investment by using a concept known as leverage here i leveraged ebay and amazon to do the hard work for me,

Here i leverage youtube to do the hard work for me by literally showing my video to either one person or millions of people right that's the same amount of energy that doesn't take much time same with clickbank i don't have to do the selling when i can promote other people's webinars and they'll do the selling for me and i also get 50 of the entire sale 361 dollars imagine just getting one a day that's already extremely life-changing 

Guys which is why if you want the fast and easiest way to make money online with this and you want to find out how we're actually doing these numbers check out the free workshop below because we have a 62 year old woman go from zero to 160 grand profit in 90 days so check it out below,

Now as well check out my podcast while these other multi-millionaires that make a bunch of money online i mean this 11 year old girl turned on 30 million dollars this man makes a million dollars per month profit this 22 year old woman managed 1 billion dollars 22. all these are inspirational stories and maybe you could get just 

A hope or a glimmer of an idea of what you can possibly do with your potential so guys check it out below that I said love you.
